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Monday, February 4, 2013

The MasterMind

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hei !! you at there.. How are you?? hehe.. Ok! In this post, i want to introduces to you someone that play the IMPORTANT ROLES in creating the blog. He is........................................


He is a my lecturer for BUSINESS ETHICS and the one who guide us im making our blog. He Professor  in management at the UniKL Business School with 40 years of experience as an academic, a practitioner in the construction industry, a civil servant and a diplomat,a corporate building surveyor and a certified Green Building Index Facilitator [GBIF 0425], involved in the Master of Energy Efficient and Green Building programme and a Subject Matter Expert [on sustainable construction] with the Open University Malaysia. He also a sporting person and friendly. He also make this subject look more fun.. Thank you Pak Din 


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