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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Business ethics considered oxymoron ??

For years this topic had be an issue. Some said business ethics is oxymoron and some said business ethics is not oxymoron. Before we go any further, let we take a brief what is oxymoron. 
Oxymoron is word from Greek that means sharp dull. In other word, Oxymoron is bringing together two apparently contradictory concepts like you put stop signboard with keep moving signboard together. REALLY????

Business ethics and corporate governance are the buzzwords in today’s corporate circles. It seems as though everyone is talking about them right from economic users to business school profession. In fact, there are courses being taught on this everywhere.

But with the corruption scams and scandals ranging across the board, does anybody really follow the ethical way of transacting business? Everyone talks about transparency, accountability, managing risks and so on but are these just some baseless words taught in business schools? 

Business ethics is regarded by many as an oxymoron. How can one be a businessman and be ethical too at the same time? It has been the biggest question on everyone’s mind since a long time now. But then, businesses have to care about ethics all the time.


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